List of files/file types to delete

Editing this list can be very dangerous if you don't know what you are doing. It is highly recommended to leave this list unedited.

The default list contains the following:

  • *.---
  • *.$db
  • *.^
  • *.___
  • *.~
  • *.~??
  • *.bak
  • *.chk
  • *.db$
  • *.nu3
  • *.old
  • *.temp
  • *.tmp
  • *.detmp
  • ~$
  • ~gl
  • acad.err
  • detlog.txt
  • ffastun.*
  • ie4 error log.txt
  • iebak.dat
  • ndimage.dat
  • netlog.txt
  • scandisk.log
  • schedlog.txt
  • *.ae

Related Web links:

  • No related links available.